Sunday, April 14, 2013


   I have been meaning to write this blog for awhile now, but was never sure where to start or what to say.  There was this vague appreciation in there, but nothing concrete that would make sense to anyone.  The past couple of weeks have opened my eyes to the idea I wanted to get across.  I know I posted about some amazing adventures I was lucky enough to experience, and I still need to share my Colorado experiences...but I realized the trip wasn't just about going out and having a good time.  My ski adventure wasn't just about relearning and pushing past my comfort zone.  There was a lesson that I did not expect to pick up.  Maybe more of a eye opener.  I have amazing people in my life.

   Ok, I always had a sense that this was true.  I have met some inspiring individuals, and people who left me in a sense of awe, but I always felt lucky to be in their presence.  I always looked at these people in some guarded sense as if I was preparing for them to leave at some point.  Here's what the past few weeks taught me.  These people do not always leave.  These amazing individuals are all around me, and although some may leave...others will take their place.  This seems simple enough, but was amazing for me to be reminded of.  I have lost some important people in my life over the past year and sometimes found myself being stuck and focusing on what was gone.  Opening myself up to the experiences around me has helped me welcome some new friends and all around wonderful people.

To the people who inspired this post
   Knowing this is one thing...accepting that I deserve these people is another.  And here's how I was opened to it. Alicia, the friend I was visiting in Colorado was talking to her buddy, Alexa, about the way we are treated by those in our lives versus the way we deserve to be treated.  I was sitting in the back of the car while this discussion was happening and not really paying too much attention...until my name came up. At this point in the trip I am basking in the great feeling of new friends, knowing that I will keep in touch when I head back to Washington and hoping to see them when they come out this summer.  With this new friendship, Alicia went on to explain to Alexa that I am the type of person that would do anything for my friends.  It feels weird to type that...almost as if I am bragging about my loyalty or trying to tell everyone how great I am.  On the contrary, I felt strangely uncomfortable hearing a friend describe me in such a way.  I don't know how to explain it, but I felt exposed.  And yet, what she said was true.  I would do anything for my friends, whether I've known them for years, or just a few days.  I have just never heard a friend recognize and acknowledge this...much less describe me that way to someone else.  And this is where I had my realization that...yes...I do deserve these amazing people I have in my life.  I have friends and family who would do anything for me, because I would do the same.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Syd the Kid Remembers How to Ski

   So, here it is. The long awaited ski post.  I know you were so anxious to hear about it and waiting on the edge of your seat. Cue the picture of Syd bundled up on the lift. 
I fit right in
   Anyone familiar with Park City knows that Deer Valley is a pretty ritzy resort.  So, I fit in pretty well with my duct-taped snow pants (I burned a hole in them on the exhaust pipe of my old scooter), and my plastic neon sunglasses. Don't be jealous!  No Because I still got to ski for free.    
   Let me start out by saying that,with the exception of a failed attempt at backcountry skiing two years ago, I have not skied in nine years.  And that was in Minnesota.  There are no mountains in Minnesota, just some big hills.  So, not only was I relearning the art of skiing, I was doing this on mountains.  Needless to say I was a little nervous when I jumped on that first lift at Deer Valley.  But hell, this was my adventure vacation (an adventure-cation if you will) and I was not going to let my nerves stop me!  Luckily, Cassidy is a ski instructor and a very patient friend.  And we started on the bunny hill.  I will say I was proud of myself for not falling when it came time to unload from the lift.  And hot damn, I had the biggest grin on my face when muscle memory kicked in and I realized that I remembered how to ski!  French fries, pizza slice...and that whole turning and stopping thing.  Apparently I passed the test, and we were on to bigger and better things!
    I was given a total of 20 times that I was allowed to fall throughout the day, and I was pretty certain I would reach that number.  Number one happened on the bunny hill...muscle memory hadn't kicked in yet.  I can't remember when 2-5 happened, but they did and I laughed.  Number five involved sliding down the slope head first, on my back, for about twenty feet.  This was followed by much laughter on my end, because honestly, it was pretty fun.  I wish I had a picture to share with you.  Fall number six was a nice wipe out.  I discovered that when you're relearning how to ski, it can be nerve-wracking to have so many other people on the slope with you.  Not because I felt compelled to compare, but as a soccer player I have been trained to be aware of where others are and adjust my movements to what I see.  So in trying to stay out of the way of other skiers, I found myself flying through the air and landing hard on my ass.  This one took some recovery time, but a lesson was learned.  Cassidy let me know that its up to those behind me to stay out of my way. Phew...pressure gone!
   After gaining some confidence, we reached the top of a slope that was introduced to me by Cassidy saying, "I'm going to test your limits a bit."  Joy!  And holy crap!  What was the picture I posted a few back?  Oh yea, "Life begins outside of your comfort zone."  Well...let's live a little.  I got a few pointers and was sent on my way.  One small spill at the top and I found myself, comfortably, going a little bit faster as I got further down.  I felt like a giddy child yelling to their parents, "Look what I can do!" And then, I was exhausted! Cue horrible horror movies, delicious home brew, and dog cuddles.  All well  deserved after a day of discovering what I am capable of accomplishing.
Best Ski Teacher ever!